Dropbox local server
Dropbox local server

Yes, but the specific steps you have to take and/or paths you have to symlink are different. You can delete the original /Users/me/Local Sites/example folder or create a symlink or alias and put it there, pointing to the new/actual location.


  • For some reason, database is not syncing (feel free to share your ideas how to fix this).
  • If you Stop on one computer and Start on the other, you may need to fully quit Local by Flywheel.
  • Do not run both Computer A’s site and Computer B’s site at the same times.
  • Follow the same steps for remapping the volumes, restarting the site, and changing the JSON files.
  • Create a new site with the same name (e.g.
  • Test the site is running on “Computer A”.
  • Remap the volumes and click the “Remap Volumes” button to restart the site and everything will be good-to-go.
  • Modify the ~/Library/Application Support/Local by Flywheel/sites.json file with the new site location.
  • Delete the /Users/me/Local Sites/example/local-site.json file (if exists).
  • Move the app, conf, and logs files from /Users/me/Local Sites/example to /Users/me/Dropbox/local-sites/example.local/.
  • MUST HAVE THE SITE RUNNING - don’t try remapping volumes when the site isn’t running.
  • This is what worked for me (a bit simpler list of to-do’s and hopefully helps others): Now you’ve got Dropbox shared Local sites, which shares the files and server configs/logs.
  • After doing this for all of the sites you want to move/change, edit the ~/Library/Application Support/Local by Flywheel/sites.json file and adjust the ‘path’ strings there too.
  • Local will provision the updated mappings.
  • dropbox local server

    Adjust the directory path easily by changing the values on the left side, then click ‘Remap Volumes’.Go to the More > Volumes section of the site info.Go into each site that you want to be based in the Dropbox folder and start them.Enable the add-on ‘Volumes Manager’ then restart Local.Checkout/clone the Local Add-on repo for Volumes - to the ~/Library/Application Support/Local by Flywheel/addons/local-addon-volumes folder.

    dropbox local server

  • Now we can change the paths easily enough.
  • Sites will provision and get setup in Docker.
  • Import blueprints but use a different folder outside of the Dropbox folder, this is temporary.
  • Move blueprints from ~/Library/Application Support/Local by Flywheel/blueprints to the other computer.
  • Start with Local setup with the sites on one computer, store the sites you want to share inside a Dropbox folder.
  • dropbox local server

    More importantly, I can very easily roll back changes/deleted files since I use Dropbox’ packrat feature. I setup my Dropbox to sync between my computers so I can ensure I’m always able to pick up where I left off when developing locally, even when work is not yet committed.

    Dropbox local server